Un éxito. Lo recomendare siempre. Muchas gracias

Comment by Sra. B (travelled from Aeroport de Praga to Praga ciutat (totes les zones) in a Trasllat Privat)

All good, comprehensive booking, confirmation, (txt) reminder processes, taxi on time - what's not to like...? Would use Suntransfers again.

Comment by Mr B (travelled from Los Cristianos to Aeroport de Tenerife Sud in a Trasllat Privat)

Very satisfied! On time and friendly driver.

Comment by Mr R (travelled from Playa Inglés to Aeroport de Gran Canària in a Trasllat Privat)

Bothe times the drivers were curtious, friendly and efficient. I'll recommend Sun Transfer at any time!

Comment by Mr J (travelled from Aeroport de Lió (Lyon) to Lió ciutat (totes les zones) in a Minivan privada)

I made a reservation last minute and the online staff was extremely helpful in coordinating our transportation to Vantaa. I will be using this service any time I am traveling to Helsinki

Comment by Mr T (travelled from Hèlsinki ciutat (totes les zones) to Aeroport d'Hèlsinki in a Trasllat Premium)

Excellent customer service! When I needed to change the pick-up hour, everything was smooth and easy via live-chat and the change was possible and done in 2 min.

Comment by Mr I (travelled from Santiago de Chile airport (deactivated) to Las Condes in a Minivan privada)

Very happy with the service. Would definitely use you again and recommend to others.

Comment by Miss K (travelled from Aeroport de París Charles de Gaulle to Disneyland in a Minivan privada)

Really exceptional and would not hesitate to use again and recommend to other people.

Comment by Mr P (travelled from San Miguel de Salinas to Aeroport d'Alacant in a Trasllat Privat)

Our group of 8 people was very satisfied with the service provided for Suntransfer. The drive was gentle and prudent, everything very professional.

Comment by Ms G (travelled from Club Med Pragelato Vialattea to Aeroport de Milà Malpensa in a Minivan Premium)

Reliable service, good price

Comment by Mrs C (travelled from Aeroport de Basilea to Basilea (totes les zones) in a Trasllat Privat)

El vehicle perfecte per a tu

Shuttle Express
Trasllat Privat

Per què reservar el teu trasllat amb

Gran relació qualitat-preu

Preus molt baixos sense renunciar a un gran servei. No hi ha recàrrecs per pagar amb targeta.

Reserva fàcil i flexible

La reserva online és fàcil i es fa en 5 minuts. Pots fer canvis i cancel·lar sense càrrec fins a 48 hores abans del trasllat.

Atenció al client 24 h.

La nostra oficina és oberta les 24 hores, 365 dies l'any: Sempre hi som per ajudar-te.

Pots veure també les nostres excel·lents ressenyes a
Basat en més de 11,500 valoracions
Basat en més de 2,000 valoracions
Basat en més de 9,200 valoracions
Basat en més de 30,900 valoracions

Satisfacció del Client 4.5/5 amb més de 30,900 opinions